A rainbow of pastels by YUVA
Posted in KIDS

From left to right: Toy box/walker, R910. Bookshelf, R480. Wall shelf, R160. MY STOELTJIE, R480. Cloud hooks, R80 each, Vinyl wall paper, R150.

Pinterest inspired me to create this range of authentic, hand-crafted toy and decor products. It is easy to pin beautiful ideas to your boards, but to find the actual product is slightly more intricate! YUVA by What I’m Up To will combine your style with your lifestyle.

YUVA by What I’m Up To.

Authentic. Fresh. Modern.

eyepoetryphotography63Wall shelf – R160.

Hello little Tallulah-Belle! One of Hazel’s favourite friends came over for a play-date in her new play room!

A little chair I can call my own!

eyepoetryphotography61 MY STOELTJIE – R480.

eyepoetryphotography58Bookshelf – R480.

eyepoetryphotography57Wall hooks – R80 each.

eyepoetryphotography59Toy box / walker R910.


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